Unlocking the Business Potential of Quantum Computing

Even today, quantum computing remains shrouded in mystery for many business leaders. They know it
has the potential to change the world, but they don’t understand how it works or what it can do for
their businesses.

Categorized as Cloud

The Top 2022 Cybersecurity Trends in Banking and Finance

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, banks and financial institutions become more
desirable and vulnerable targets for cybercriminals leveraging ever more sophisticated capabilities.
These bad actors are attracted to banks and financial institutions because of the large sums of money
they handle and the valuable personal and institutional data they store. As a result, cybersecurity must
become a top strategic priority for these organizations.

Improving Public Cybersecurity in the Face of Modern Threats

As your company grows, so does the amount and variety of data you collect from customers and
employees. Now, the European Union (EU)—which accounts for roughly 15% of global trade—has
adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This “robust and extensive data protection