Navigating Cybersecurity Best Practices in Life Sciences and Biotech

Life sciences and biotechnology (“biotech”) companies face unique cybersecurity risks. Cybercriminals consider these organizations prime target because they hold a wealth of sensitive data, including patient information, trade secrets, research and development data, and others.

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Securing Manufacturing with Industry 4.0 Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity needs of today’s Industry 4.0 manufacturers are growing. Manufacturing is among only a handful of industries with the “highest risk” of a “possible attack and subsequent impact on critical infrastructure, Forbes reports.

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What Does the Data Center of the Future Look Like?

The events of 2020 and 2021 have forced global companies to evolve rapidly, executing year-long digital transformation initiatives in a matter of months. But while digital transformation is a top priority among these companies, new research suggests companies are ill prepared in terms of their data center strategies.

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Why Businesses Are Shifting Away from Traditional Data Centers

Businesses have been using data centers for many years to store and process their data. However, in recent years, there has been a shift away from traditional data centers in favor of other options, such as edge computing and hybrid cloud.

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Why Human Error Is Your Company’s Biggest Cybersecurity Threat—and What to Do About It

Nearly 50% of employees are “very” or “pretty” sure they’ve made an error at work that could have led to security issues. Here’s what you can do about it.

Most companies don’t operate like they are one small mistake away from a major security breach. Here’s why you should.

Hackers now rely on employee vulnerabilities to access systems they shouldn’t, but there are steps your company can take to keep its data secure.

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Why Trust Is So Important in Today’s Corporate World

Digitization is accelerating across global business, and more than half the global population is now online. These two trends are closely related, and raise important questions about trust between private companies and individuals who interact in non-tangible digital environments. Indeed, “digital trust” is quickly becoming an imperative as a result; this in turn is driving the creation of Chief Trust Officers (CTrOs), the latest addition to the C-Suite.

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